Health Insurance

Group health insurance has stabilized over the last few years, and the cost is now lower than the cost of an individual plan in many cases.  Your company can have great coverage, that will assist in attracting and retaining quality employees.  To receive quotes I need your business name, and physical address.  I would also need a census of your employees (and any family members, if you plan to cover them).  Please include their DOB , and gender.  There are also several questions designed to help in discovering which companies and products  will meet your goals best, so please describe what features you would like to be included within the plan.  The cost can be shared with your employees paying up to fifty percent of the cost for themselves, and the full cost to cover their family members. The best way to obtain a quote would be to give me a call, so that we can discuss your options.

In setting up a group, you get to choose some parameters for eligibility.  You need to require your employees to work an average number of hours per week, in order to qualify.  This can be set between seventeen and one half hours per week, and forty hours per week.  Once the employee works the set number of hours, you can have a waiting period before the benefits take effect for them.  The wait can be from no wait at all, to the first of the month following sixty days.

There is now a requirement that you have at least one Statutory Employee, in order to qualify to be a group.  A Statutory Employee is one who is not the owner or spouse of the owner of the business, that works enough hours to qualify for your medical insurance, and that is actually covered by the plan.

The Bend Chamber of Commerce offers a set of Association Plans, that often are the best options in regards to premium costs, and coverage.  We will need to look at your group size, location, and some other issues, to see if this is an option for your group.  Even if your group is not located in Bend.

Dental Insurance

Group dental insurance is also very stable these days, with a very minor or no increase at the renewal.  Group dental coverage can be set up as employer paid or employee paid, or with a shared cost.

Life Insurance

Group life insurance is a guaranteed product.  You and your employees can purchase coverage without answering any medical questions, and without an exam.  The cost of group life insurance is very reasonable.

Disability Insurance

Insuring your paycheck is quite valuable. What would change if you lost your income? Group disability insurance protects your income in case of an injury or illness.  This type of policy is also guaranteed, in that there are no medical questions or exam required. Typically the plan would pay you 60% of your regular gross income, but without taxation.  This allows the benefit to closely replace your normal take home pay.  The cost of this type of coverage is very reasonable.


Routine exams and coverage for lenses and frames, or contacts are a nice benefit for you and your employees.  The cost is very reasonable as well.

For a quote please contact me by calling or leaving an email message. I will contact you as soon as possible to discuss what you are trying to accomplish, and to ask a few additional questions.